Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday Walk: Our Time

About once a week I take my Bible in hand, close my eyes, and flip the pages until I feel I should stop. Then I skim my fingers along the columns of scripture until it feels right. I read the verse that my finger is covering. This was what I landed on today:

The length of our days is seventy years- or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. - Psalm 90:10

Forgive me, for I know many people have written about the simple truth of life being too short and how we should treasure every moment we have here on this earth. We should kiss our loved ones and tell them we love them daily. Forgive a friend or say you're sorry to someone who you've been needing to reach out to. The list goes on... So do we ever listen? Maybe for a day. Maybe for a week if something has really touched us deeply. What makes us change for good? What makes us really LIVE our lives? Do we not want our 70 or 80 year old selves to look back and say, "Ah, what a life. I really lived it to the fullest." Do we not owe that to ourselves?

I've learned that not all of us are going to understand when we might encounter an EXTREME life changing experience, but there are little daily things we can do to slowly change our lives. Change the atmosphere for ourselves and for others around us. Take a moment to help an elderly person carry their groceries to their car (and don't take a tip if they happen to be generous enough to offer). Tip your server at a restaurant 25% even if he/she seems to be having a rough day (it will make a difference and most likely change their mood or make them think, trust me). Call up an old friend you've been meaning to get back to for quite some time (and don't make excuses for why you haven't called, just apologize). Bring flowers home to your mother, grandmother, significant other, assistant, mail carrier, whoever you may want to brighten their day because they do so much for you. Put an hour worth of quarters in the meter beside yours so the person who parks there has a pleasant surprise (it could make their day).

Its simple and we all can do our part. Why don't we? In helping someone else each and every day, we grow to find it makes our lives complete. Makes our lives worth living. All of a sudden, it won't matter that your car ran out of gas this morning, maybe your "someone" will come along with a full gas can. If not, don't worry. Maybe God was saving you from something you were supposed to miss. There's a reason for everything. Time quickly passes and then we fly away to Heaven. How do you want to spend it? Its your move.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Shop Jane's Daughters - Burlap and Chalk Paint

My mother has been doing nothing but creating, creating, creating her whole life. She has such a beautiful gift. She always wants my opinion on her new handmade inventory and I just stand there in awe of everything she makes. Here are a few more pieces from her new Jane's Daughters Collection.

For purchasing information and inquiries, email

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Style: Ballerina Bun Tutorial

To watch on youtube and to share, click on this link! Comment with any questions or advice for further vlogs. I'm new =)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday Walk - Let Go and Let God

As my relationship with God grows stronger, I learn to accept this concept... No one has control over your life but God. No one. But what makes our lives the most livable can be is the hardest thing to grasp.

Let go and let GOD.

My life in the music business is a roller coaster. Constantly changing. Zero consistency. It makes for a crazy ride and its hard to not try to reach out and find a lever to pull to slow it all down. I'm constantly feeling like there's something I am or am not doing to change my direction. If something happens, good or bad, its my job to keep or change it. Rarely do I think FIRST, "Wait... is this God's plan?"

In this moment, I am sitting here with my pup and my bro. Not a care in the world. I know I can rest right now. God is watching over me and HE has the control. I can feel a spiritual presence wrap around me saying, "Lindsey, chill. I got this." It makes me smile. I know I need reminded way too often, but I'm so thankful for my relationship with my Lord and Savior.

If you're reading this and its now Thursday morning, I'd like to ask you a question...

How are you?

What do you expect out of today?

Can you let go?

Will you let God?

Either way, He's on your side and He's got you covered.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Talk - Cover The Night

Most of you have probably watched the viral video by Jason Russell and his team. Invisible Children is something I can't ignore. Although the only knowledge I've gained from this campaign is that Joseph Kony has abducted over 30,000 children over the last 25 years to form his own "army", that's enough for me to take action.

To learn more and to pledge, click on the link below! I hope you'll join Cover the Night on April 20th to show your support!

 Pledge Now!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Shop Jane's Daughters - Memo Boards

My mother is one of the most talented people I know. She can recycle almost anything and make it a work of art. I'm obsessed with her shabby chic rosette memo boards! A must-have for any kitchen or bedroom in my opinion.

Here are a bunch of shots from her most recent craft fair in Nolensville, TN. I'll be featuring more of her fabulous creations every week. I'm currently working on a killer website and etsy shop for her. Stay tuned! (If you would like purchasing information for any of the items below, please contact Kim and Lindsey Hager at

(my fav)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Love: Trust Your "Gut" Called God

Some of us have been torn to pieces by "love" that we no longer want to take the risk. We get wrapped up in the "what ifs" of possible heartbreak that we can't really open ourselves up to someone worth the chance. I've always loved this Peter McWilliams quote (above) because it reminds me that I've always felt Love to be a risk worth taking. Those are the most important "what ifs"! What if he/she is the one? What if God finally sent me my other half? What if this could be another experience preparing me for the love of my life? It might not work out "ah, but what if it does"!

Then there's the other side to love... Not wanting to let go. Even if you know you should. 

If there is one lesson I've lived and learned when it comes to love it is, Trust. Your. Gut... Er, God. I know what you're thinking. That statement is easy enough to say, but difficult to do. I promise you it will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be right. HE will always be right. You might be thinking, "I get so confused by what my 'gut' is telling me." I'm sorry to tell you, you're wrong. You always know what your gut is telling you. The "confusion" comes from not wanting to listen. God gives you all of the signs and the knowledge to know if the person you're with is right for you. It might take a little while to really see or hear it, but He will present it to you. Then the choice is yours to make.

The most important thing to remember is to always stay true to who you are and who God wants you to be. If you can manage that, the right person will be easier to find. Yeah, most of us have to learn the hard way, but its WORTH it. I spent years beating myself up over giving or not giving love a true chance because I always look for the best in people. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. I want to give them a chance to change. Let me tell you, one chance is enough. If you're not worth changing for after strike one, you STILL won't be worth it after the fiftieth chance. Trust me. Its not meant to be.

One day, you'll meet someone who makes your world turn upside down. Makes you feel like the most important person on this earth. Makes you feel MORE than worth the effort. And you'll forget what it was like before that person.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

An Affair To Remember...

I'm not talking about the 1957 classic film (one of my faves), but a recent magical evening that I will hold dear to my heart. My first live band show rocking songs from my debut record. Tuesday April 10th, 2012.

One word to describe the night? Nostalgic. It had been almost 4 years since I've performed as lead singer (solo artist) with a full band. Heck, it had been about 10 months since I had performed with a full band, period! I longed for this night. Felt the familiar bubbly butterflies minutes before taking the stage. The sudden burst of explosion inside of me upon hearing the count in to begin the first song. Everything I had remembered came back to me. Fast.

I'm so thankful to the brilliant musicians who rocked out with me. Kiel Tyler on drums, Josh Henson on electric guitar, Ethan Forrest on electric guitar, Suzanne Rohrer on violin, Jay Gorman on bass, Michael Hughes on keys, and David Jeremy on acoustic guitar and bgvs. Without their pop powered professionalism, I wouldn't have been able to pull it off! The consistent effort and praise from my managers is unreal! And all of my wonderful friends, family and fans who came out MADE my night! The amount of support I have from them is almost undeserving. I appreciate it so much!

I haven't gotten my hands on shots of the actual show (waiting on my dear friends to forward), but here are a few from the early morning/afternoon rehearsal and the after "party". More photos and VIDEO to come soon!
 Suzanne and me during rehearsal.
 Love her.
 SIR in Nashville, TN.
 SIR in Nashville, TN.
 Not sure what I was trying to say here.

 A few of my dear friends after the show.
 Suz and I catching up. It was wonderful to play with her again!
 My handsome acoustic rocker.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hey God, I Need To Talk

I often forget the importance of talking to Him multiple times a day. I'm ashamed to admit, I often forget to talk to Him at all in a day. I vent to my family, friends, and boyfriend on a weekly (alright daily) basis about my problems, my worries, and my triumphs but there are few things that I turn to God for FIRST. I seem to still be stuck in the human mindset that I must have control over my life and the situations that I'm placed in. Guess what? None of us have that kind of control. Its about time I start to make my daily talks with God a routine that will turn into a natural relationship that is overflowing with conversation throughout my day. I was reminded this past Saturday of a very convenient time that can be devoted to the Lord on a daily basis. 

In the car.

I don't know about you, but I'm in my car AT LEAST twice a day. So on Saturday, after spending a lovely afternoon with a dear friend and her bible study group, I talked to God during my drive home. My Mom would probably bop me over the head for not remembering that she often uses her driving time for "God time" as well. I just never tried it myself unless it was to say "God, PLEASE make this Grandma take a left so we can get a move on!" It felt nice to be able to talk OUT LOUD to my creator without feeling vulnerable. I think even when I say my prayers at night in bed, someone might hear me. Someone will hear what is meant for God and me. I feel so relieved when I can completely let myself go and say whatever I need to to God while driving. 

I hope this might encourage you to try it too. Whether you pray about it or talk about it, know who's in control of "it" and know He wants nothing but the best for you, His child. 

side note -- make sure to pay attention to the pavement. the closing of eyes in prayer could result in an accident. ;)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Its beautiful today. I was sitting on the porch swing with my pup and my Mom this morning. Thinking about the day ahead and how all I want to do is stay right there. Sit in peace and enjoy God's creation. All day. Read my Bible a bit and talk to God outside in the sun...

Ah, I need to go in and switch the laundry... And so my day shifts.


I'm sure I sound irritatingly redundant when I say, "First blog. Hmm, where do I start?" but that's exactly what I'm thinking. I guess most pro bloggers have started this way. Explaining a bit about themselves and what they want you to be able to find here in their blog world. 

My name is Lindsey Hager and I live in Music City, TN. I moved here from Lancaster, PA when I was 19. I don't remember much about the adjustment moving from PA to TN. God literally carried me through it. I am, like most transplants, a singer/songwriter. I live for the passion of creating. Mostly music but since my family has moved to Tennessee this past year (and with the help of Pinterest), I've learned I'm quite crafty! 

My blog entries will be the place I dump all of my feelings, my projects, my stories, my talks with God, and my music in a way I haven't tried before. In a much more personal way. You'll see these names most often: Andy, Tyson, Mom (Kim), Dad (Charlie), and David. Mom and Dad are obvious, but you'll learn the importance of these folks in my life as blogs get posted. 

I named my blog, Jane's Daughters. Who's Jane? She is my Grandma. Geemaw, actually. My Mom and I have talked about having our own shabby chic gift shop one day with that name. A blog that includes our ideas might be a good start!

Oh, Jane. What a fox.
