Monday, September 24, 2012

42 degrees

I woke up shivering this morning and LOVED it. I pulled my covers up over my head and stayed in bed an extra 30 minutes before getting up to pour some Dunkin Donuts pumpkin spice coffee. Yum x 100!

I wanted to share my Top 10 Fall Favorites. Some are traditional and some are new for 2012 for me.

1. Football. Philadelphia Eagles (what the heck happened yesterday?)

2. Fall Fashion Color - Maroon.

3. Fall Show I can't WAIT for - Revenge - Season 2. 9/30/12. Missed season 1? Get a recap from the main character, Emily Thorne, below. 

4. Fall beverage - Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Spice Coffee. I'm drinking and blogging right meow. 

5. Knitting! Last year, I made an infinity scarf like the one below. I LOVE it and can't wait to wear it this season.

6. Fall Scenery. Especially in Lancaster, PA. I love visiting my hometown in the fall. Its beautiful. Truly God's masterpiece.

7. Fall boots. I can't afford these purty thangs, but they rock. Givenchy boots 2012.

8. BAKING. I'm excited to try these sweet potato cupcakes that I found on Pinterest!

9. Cozy nights in with my love, family and pets. Watching a movie. Being COVERED in blankets. Warm tea. Ah, love it. 

10. My Birthday! I get to dress up and don't have to feel like a weirdo since its the day before Halloween ;)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday Walk: Our Life Is To Be Discovered

I haven't posted in way too long. My goal was to AT LEAST continue to write my Wednesday Walk's since they are most important for me to share. After tonight's bible study, I felt the urge.

I LOVE my bible study. Miss Diane Woerner leads us each week chapter by chapter from a series she has written herself. Tonight's chapter was called, "Why Does God Let Us Suffer?"

Here are some bullet point notes I took tonight. I'll go into detail on the one that REALLY hit home for me (although everything Diane says enlightens me to be honest).

- We reach for God's love and grace MOST when we are desperately seeking relief from pain. How else do we find this unless we are suffering?
- God brings suffering not to hurt us, but to keep us from what is NOT us (like letting go of what we shouldn't be doing/holding on to/sin).
- We need to come face to face with our own weakness to fully receive the strength for the plan God has created for us.
- Embrace your pain and see if you can find God in the middle of it. Its God's problem, not ours.
- Many relate what is evil to suffering when they are actually opposite of the other. Diane's definition of evil is, "Evil is that which contradicts the nature of God." Suffering can be the consequence of something evil but not a direct connection.
- Don't worry about what is to come, for it has already been decided for us. We get to live our lives by discovering it, not creating it. God has already created it for us. 

I have never looked at life that way before. I know God is the one who has made a plan for me, but I always felt that He would give me the tools I needed and I then would go and create it. Knowing that my life here on earth is meant to be a discovery of God's plan takes A LOT of pressure off. This hit me hard. In a good way!

I'm looking forward to going to sleep tonight knowing I get to wake up to a new adventure tomorrow. Its a JOURNEY. I need not worry about the destination. I know my fate already. How about you?
